Oct 7, 2010

Stary Melnik

Don't ask me to repeat the name of this beer... I don't even know if this is a beer! This 500ml bottle of a Russian "mixed malt beverage", containing 5,2% alcohol, was a gift from Andreas Pelzberger, it was carried in the car's trunk during our trip to Italy, and drank in Padua during a (friendly) poker game.

Although it is described as "mixed malt beverage" in the label, it tastes quite like beer... I won't discuss the quality of the drink here, it just intrigates me why it's labeled like this and what is mixed into it.

I was trying to find the link to the producer, but the lack of cirilics in my keyboard limitated my search... I only found a couple of other blogs that evaluate beers though I think they don't quite refer to the same beer, and a strange adaptation of a russian website.

1 comment:

  1. 1st: http://www.starymelnik.ru would be the producer's page. Unfortunately in cyrilic indeed. At least I can read those letters. :P
    2nd: The (German) label said "beer alike malt beverage", not mixed. Doesn't make it less strange, but who cares.
    3rd: You're not poor and stupid enogh, to drive nascar.

    Rock on.
