May 27, 2011

Bernard - Easter Special

This 500ml bottle contains the 2011 Easter special beer (5,0% alcoholic) of a Czech brewery called 'Bernard'.

Known in Czech Republic for the creative advertisement, this brewery brings in its label the picture of this man (Bernard?), always striking the same pose (same picture?) but with different hats/costumes/colors. The link for the brewery shows a bit of those advertisements and lables.

I visited Prague during Easter this year, and bought this one in a supermarket nearby the city center. At first, the impression I had was that Bernard, in this very peculiar Easter Bunny costume, was biting a carrot, which kinda makes sense... but if you take a closer look, you'll realise that what he actually bites, is a whip! The very same pussy willow twigs decorated and arranged in the shape of a whip that Czech people carry in the streets on Easter Sunday!

A whip??? Why the hell a whip? A brief search at the tourist guide explains that traditionally, Czech boys whip the girls with those twigs on the back of her legs (AKA butt) to bring them youth and health.... but not only that! As a way to thank the guy, the girl is supposed to gift him easter eggs o.O

Google doesn't allow me to lie:

If you ask me, I just say that Czech traditions are simply as awesome as their beer