Nov 5, 2010

Lammsbräu - Urstoff

If there is a "Lions brewery" (Löwenbräu), why not a "Lambs brewery"?

This brewery, localized in the city of Neumarket, inner Bavaria, produces only beers with the European 'Bio' certificate and, therefore, call themselves "Ökologisches Brauerei" (Ecological brewery in german).

Their Urstoff is 4,7% alcohol and comes embottled in 500ml glasses. Due to the proximity of Neumarket to Altötting, I end up asking myself if this beer was a gift from Anderl or not... according to my notes, it is not, so maybe I bought it there, or maybe my notes are wrong...

No, drinking beer doesn't cause memory problems, at least, not that I remember...

Link to the producer:


  1. Well, at least I do remember. And yes, you bought it in Altötting at the Getränkemarkt. Without E, just like Neumarkt.
    That is actually not that close. It's between Nuremberg and Regensburg.

  2. Goddamn... it's not my fault that the only difference between the cities names is an "E
